Strength Through Uncertainty: Building Resilience in Challenging Times
Uncertainty is a part of life. Whether it’s navigating career challenges, personal struggles, or global events, life is often unpredictable. But...
The Art of Saying No: Empowering Your Mental Health
In a world that often celebrates the hustle and the endless to-do lists, saying "no" can feel like a radical act. Yet, it's an essential skill for...
Why “Controlling” Our Emotions Doesn’t Work
By A. Dielman It’s probably a safe bet that you’ve heard (or used) phrases such as “Stop feeling sorry for yourself,” “Big kids don't cry," "Snap...
Your Body is Your Greatest Resource
By Jennifer Kindt, MA, LLP. The body always leads us home . . . if we can simply learn to trust sensation and stay with it long enough for it to...
Social Drinking, Or Something More?
By Sarah Krussell, MA, LPC, LLP, CAADC According to Dietary Guidelines for Americans published by the US Department of Health and Human Services and...
After multiple West Michigan shootings, expert gives advice on coping with trauma
KALAMAZOO, Mich. — Witnessing a traumatic event can have a major impact on your mental health. It's normal to experience changes in mood or behavior...
Protecting Your Mental Health This Holiday Season
By Kim Hiatt, MA, LLP It’s that time of year again! The snow may or may not be falling in West Michigan, stores are bustling with shoppers, holiday...
By Dawn Vollink, LMSW Coping with aging is a challenge. And it’s one that’s often not given enough attention in our society. It’s a stage of life...
Dismantling The Cycle of Suffering: How to Lean in to Discomfort
by Suzanne Friesner, LMSW and Kim McGowan, MA, LLP After the death of another family member in the last month, a little boy questioned why anyone...
Moving Forward In 2021: Back To School
By Bridget Nolan, MA, LLP, LPC The beginning of a new school year can be very exciting, but it can also be a time of heightened stress and anxiety...
Compassion in Times of Transition
By Jennifer Gruel, LPC As things open up more and more, I find myself vacillating between excitement and terror. Whole hearted enthusiasm and...
Helping Couples Adjust to Parenthood
By Dr. Larry Beer “We’re going to have a baby!!” Both parents are excited and so are their families and friends. And they should be. Becoming...
You Can Say It: I’m Not OK
By Emily Lindsay, MA, LPC, LLP How are you? We are asked that question every day. But how often do we just say "fine" or "good" and move on? How...
Getting Back to Life As We Once Knew It
By Pamela Mairs, MA, LLP This week I ventured back into the workplace after 13 months of working from home. As a therapist pre-COVID, I was used to...